Never entered a fishing match before? Well no need to be nervous, give it a go.
Our matches are never taken too seriously, they're more a bit of light hearted fun, a chance to change stories and have a good ol' chin wag with like-minded folk with a bit of fishing thrown in.
Each individual match is £6 to enter has a small cash prize for the winner.
(plus trophy for the series winner with the best combined weight). No need to pre book, just turn up on the day.
Fluff chuckers (fly)
(Thursdays 6PM - Embsay)
30 May
13 June
27 June
11 July
25 July
08 August
22 August
05 September
Peter Hart series (coarse)
(Sundays 8 AM - Various venues)
02 June - Whinny Gill
04 August - Canal TBA
01 September - Whinny Gill
22 September - Whinny Gill
Sunset series (coarse)
(Tuesdays 6PM - Whinny Gill )
21 May
04 June
18 June
02 July
16 July
30 July
13 August