Fly casting lessons (Embsay Reservoir)

Sold out

Due to the popularity of last years lessons we will be running this event 14th September 2024. As with last year, we ask that all wishing to take part use this facility to pre-book to ensure thier place.

This is open to members and non-members and the price includes your permit, EA licence, lessons, and borrowing of equipment. Of course, you are welcome to bring your own equipment if you prefer to.

This date is now available for booking, there's limited spaces at these silly prices, so strictly first come, first served. Be quick we expect to sell out quickly. The event will run from 10:00 until 14:00 on Embsay Reservoir. Bring your own lunch, wear clothing appropriate to the weather conditions, long sleeves, full length trousers,  sturdy boots with good grip, a hat, and glasses.

There will be fully qualified Angling coaches on hand to get you off to a good start with fly casting. It's not limited to newbies, feel free to book a place if you would like to improve you're fly casting.

Take carefull note of time and dates, there will be no refunds for cancellations or no-shows.